
16 Breakup Stories That Are Crazy AF

by Friday, January 15, 2016 0 comments

 feel like at a certain point in everyone's life, it is fair to say they have experienced a pretty intense or crazy breakup.
Sometimes things are thrown and mean words are said, but all in all an understanding is reached that it just isn't working anymore. 
However, no matter how crazy your breakup story is, there is always another breakup story that will put yours to shame. 
Below are 16 winners that are going to make you feel better about some of the stuff you've been through, I guarantee it. 

1. Those hashtags will get the best of you.

I understand that they are in high school, but there could not have been a more high school way to break up with someone. At least he was very clear. He has transformed his way out of the relationship into being one of the crappiest ex boyfriends of all time. Well done, cjkarl11, though I wouldn't be proud. 
1. Those hashtags will get the best of you.

2. No one thinks magic tricks are cool.

Honestly, if you were dating someone and they thought that this would be a good way to end a relationship, you're probably dodging a huge bullet. Who knows what he would be keeping up his sleeve for later.

3. There are lots of reasons not to cheat. 

Among them are respect and dignity. Also, the safety of all your things. This person should have known better. 

4. Proactive friends are the best friends.

Well, this is embarrassing, only $30 in seven hours? Come on. 

5. Communication is key.

This could have been way worse, in all honesty. Imagine she hadn't checked her Facebook that day? Then, instead of being unaware of her singleness for three hours, it could have been days! Imagine!

6. Breaking up in public, real classy.

What did he think? If he took her out, she wouldn't make a scene? I appreciate that no one is an attractive crier, but this is rough. At least someone was there to capture the moment and immortalize it forever on the internet. 

7. This guy is either a genius or an idiot. 

Do you think he planned this? Did he do it on purpose? Or was his good deed going to end up blowing up in his face? I don't think anyone is this clever on purpose.

8. Pizza really can be used for everything.

If this were me, I probably wouldn't be that mad because whoever this was obviously got me on some deep level. You know what they say: better to have loved and got a pizza than to never have loved at all. 

9. This escalated quickly. 

Seems like this lady has her priorities straight. Take the jewelry and the baby. Kids are expensive. 

10. He's likely back in the hospital now. 

This is one of those rare social media posts that raise so many more questions than they answer. He got off easy though, he deserved much worse than having his dirty laundry aired on Instagram. 

11. 2 chances 2 many. 

At least this girl is learning young how to weed them out. She can hold her head high after this one, or at least look down at him from her level with pride. 

12. Not every breakup is a sad story.

Between the helmet and the beautifully decorated sports car I would say that this guy is doing okay. Makes me wonder what she was like. 

13. A good use of memes.

It isn't like she doesn't deserve it, but this is pretty harsh. The only thing colder than being ghosted is being memed. Everyone knows that. 

14. Dividing up Beanie Babies in divorce court.

In 1999, I would have thought that this would be the most important task when splitting up with someone I was dumb enough to share a Beanie Baby collection with.

15. Very subtle.

It looks like he got that off pretty clean, which is not an easy thing to do. I don't know what happened between these two, but the commitment it would take to get one of those stickers off is the kind of commitment I would look for in a man. 

16. He's outta here! 

And so is all his stuff! Honestly, it is genius to sell it. I usually just give it back. To think I could have been making money all this time! 

Another Indian




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