Do You Want To Impress Your Girl? Then Get Into These Professions That Impress Women The Most !!

Have you ever heard of someone talking about the professions which impress women the most. There is hardly any man who doesn’t try to get the attention of women.
We all say that women should not be judged by her attire and same goes for men as a man should not be judged by his profession. But the truth is we are judged by these only. There are some jobs which can help you impress women even if you are an average looking guy. It doesn’t mean that you should get these jobs only, because doing what you love is more important. But if you have interest in any of these then you have one more reason to pursue your choice.
1. Pilot

Just name one girl who can withstand the charm of a pilot. These jobs include high risk of life and one has to take high responsibility. This thing with time becomes habit and then way of life. They are always well dressed and well groomed, so we can’t really blame women falling for them.
2. Entrepreneur

Well who doesn’t like to have a sexy guy and now having brain is the new sexy. Men trying something new and innovative always attracts women because of their impressive skills. And if in case you become a young achiever then you are in for a treat. Women drool over successful men, you become a chick-magnet. Way to go you self made man.
3. Coders/Hackers

It is the generation of software experts. These are considered as one of the coolest jobs because nothing’s better than a bad boy with you and it’s even better to have him working for good. These are valued professions and a coder always finds a code to women’s heart.
4. Doctor

We all know that they are considered as next to god for saving lives. You can totally make an impression with all that knowledge, skills and well income.
5. Engineer

It is a popular phrase that “gali ke ladko ka pyaar to engineer hi loot ke le jaate hai”, this is not all wrong. In a country like ours these are one of the most reputed professions as one can enjoy high income and a life far better than any.
6. Military Man

“Men in action” are always considered as the hard-core professionals. Their well discipline schedule not only trains them but makes them extremely fit and drool-worthy.
7. Chef

We know that the way to man’s heart is through his stomach, but what if your husband is a cook and it gives him pleasure serving you at dinner. You can hardly say NO to this combo. Women just love the men who can cook and can give you delight through their hands.
8. Musician

You all have felt the heat during a concert, well blame it on the thrilling musicians there. There is always something adventurous with an artist and you can feel rebellious attitude even in a struggler. They can touch your soul just with words and always have great luck by women falling for them.
9. Photographer

There’s hardly any women who doesn’t take selfies for like a thousand times. And they need someone when they look best at any time during the day or night, so who’ll be better than a photographer as it will be like a dream come true for them.
10. Writer

There is still hope for men like us because women really love those words describing them as if he loves you then his words make you immortal. His sense of understanding and personifying is what women loves the most.
There is much more that delights a women’s heart. Besides in real world a women needs someone much caring and hearty than having a cool job, but who will mind an extra edge for impressing women.
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