These Are The Cheesiest And Corniest Pick-up Lines That You Could Use To Woo Your Lady !!

Do you know which are the most stupid, cheesiest and corniest pickup lines to woo the lady of your liking? We went through a lot of trouble to find you some of the corniest pickup lines that will really give you a good laugh as well as maybe even get you a girl if you are lucky (duh!!).
Pickup Lines To Try If You Dare
Try the following pickup lines the next time you try your moves on the cute damsel that catches your eye.
10. Are you my Appendix? Because I don’t understand how you work, but this feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out.
Oh, yes. I am so medically inclined to shove a scalpel up your ass!
9. Hey, you owe me a drink! Because when I looked at you, I dropped mine!

Yeah, right! I am even responsible for the Global Warming.
8. Is your dad an art thief? Because you’re a masterpiece?
Pullleeeeaaaseeeee!!!! Another ‘is you dad’ thing?? But, I am glad to be called a masterpiece…
7. I was feeling a little off today, but you definitely turned me on.

Great. Glad to have Spread the Joy.
6. I thought happiness started with an ‘H’, but mine starts with ‘U’.

Hmm… Creative. Clever. Get me thinking twice.
5. If you were a fruit, you’d be a Fineapple!

Beware, or ye shall be punished!
4. You know what’s on the MENU? It’s Me-N-U
Oh, My GOD!!
3. Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.

Seriously. Ummm… it may work, especially if you have a million dollar smile.
2. I lost my teddy bear. Can I cuddle with you?

Yes, you can. When the sun sets in the east.
1. If you were a booger, I’d pick you first! (One of the most courageous pickup lines to say!)
The nerve of the person to even think of such a hilarious, yet gross line. You may have hit the jackpot if it’s your lucky day!
These are some of the cheesiest and corniest pickup lines that you can try on your girl. They may sound a bit dumb, but they may be the best thing that can every happen to your dating life. Who knows, these lines may be an answer to all your prayers.
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