Every time I get chicken nuggets from McDonald's, I'm usually half cut and do not pay attention to what I'm shoving in my mouth.
That wouldn't be the case however, if I was told there's a chance there might be a golden nugget hiding in my box. I'd check those fuckers carefully.
A new promotion in Japan is making people double check their nuggets, as they are dropping an 18 carat gold chicken nugget into a random box, which will be worth £1,000 to the finder.
It comes along side the release of two new dipping sauces that are being released in Japan - fruit curry and creamy cheese.
Shits all over McDonald's Monopoly, doesn't it?
There's a separate Twitter competition running alongside the golden nuggets, where users try to guess the identity of the thief in the advert.
The weekly winners of that competition are rewarded with 39 chicken nuggets.
All of that sounds great, only it makes no fucking sense to give out 39 nuggets. Make it 40.
And why only China? :/
And why only China? :/
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