I've said it a thousand times before, and I'll say it a thousand more - a dog will forever be your best friend.
There will never be anyone as loyal, or anyone who loves you as much as your dog.
Haus, a two-year-old German Shepherd, epitomises this.
He is currently on a drip and is severely wounded after taking several bites from a rattlesnake for a seven-year-old.

Credit: Donya DeLuca via Facebook
Molly Deluca was playing in the garden of her family's home in Florida when she and Haus were confronted by an Eastern Diamondback - the largest venomous snake in North America.
Haus protected Molly and ended up taking three bites from the snake, which left him close to death.
Speaking to Fox 13, Donya DeLuca, Molly's mother, described the disturbing events.
She said: "She saw him jump back, and go forward, and jump back and go forward. He was just, kind of, holding his ground. Next thing we know is, there's blood and he was limping and crying."
"Just based on temperament, he was standing up for my daughter, he was standing between, he didn't budge. He kept taking hits, she was on the other side of him, and so was my mom," Donya continued.
Now fighting for his life, Haus has a 50/50 chance of surviving.
Donya spoke of how grateful she is for her dog saving her daughter, but admits she's fearful their hero may not make it home.
She said: "I feel really grateful for the dog. It is frightening to think it could have been my daughter. I don't know if she would have made it. I couldn't even sleep last night. I barely slept because it is bittersweet. I am doing everything I can. I feel like I owe it to him to keep trying to save him."
The family have set up a GoFundMe page to help raise money for the increasing medical bills they're receiving.
Let's hope Haus pulls through, what a hero!
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