Pictures like the ones you are about to see have been surfacing more and more lately, as artists around the world feel compelled to respond to some of the ugliness they see in the world.
While it may be true that artists who truly have the courage to share their thoughts on important social issues are rare, it’s great to see their emergence becoming more frequent. Even in the music industry there has been a rise of artists who have something to say and want it to be heard by the masses. While the majority of artists are not in this space and artists who do speak out are met with resistance, it’s inspiring nonetheless when it does happen.
The art below draws on a wide range of controversial issues ranging from objectification of women, war and power, social media, political abuse of resources, public perception, religion, and more.
These images may strike an unpleasant chord with some of you, but that’s okay. These are aspects of our world that we need to address. My recommendation when viewing this art is to take your time and be open, as it is of course open to interpretation. Please remember that art is open to subjective interpretation and reflects only one person’s view of the world. Feel free to share your take on the illustrations in the comment section below!
Viewer discretion is advised.
Obsession over social media attention


Obesity in one direction, starvation in another

The suppression of women in religion

Anything for more dollars

Female genital mutilation

Once again…

Cell phone obsessed culture

Money as a means for opportunity

Submissive and closed minded society

Objectification of women

Thirst for oil

Selling ourselves for attention
Rooted in virtual worlds

Heartless set of people
Still into virtual love/lust
Women usually have to make a choice between money, looks or love
Slaves of these inventions
Filters on our personality
Brainwash literally
Likecoholic(are you guys likeocoholic?)
Gadget zombies
* I could not find sources for all of the images so if you know the artists other than who I mentioned above please let me know!
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