
SOCEA:The Advise Issue

by Thursday, April 21, 2016 0 comments

Advices are always easy to get from everywhere, anywhere from Anyone and anytime.

And India, the country where people are Soooooooo "Generous" you'll get an advice, even from a totally Anonymous person, in the middle of a street, even if he has no clue what is your Issue or problem.

And for once try to deny; the advice that people give you, you'll see the pain in them, like you've tried to cut out their kidney even if he was the one who was offering Dialysis.

People are soo emotionally attached to their "Wise Advises" and feel that it's the best thing that the person getting Advised* will ever listen in his whole life. They try to make it more serious for the guy by constantly repeating, "Don't joke I'm serious" "It's the truth of the life " . Yeah like God himself came down to you and told you the Truth of life. 😑

Even though these creatures are everywhere in every form, family members, Long distant unknown relatives, teachers, friends, drunk guys, homeless and uneducated, unemployed people (They are the Well of advises.) but the most Dangerous of all is Your Mum's best friend.

Typical Aunty

How are advises dangerous and that too from my aunt?

Advises are never dangerous till you're the only one listening to it and you are not going to see the person for quite a time. But Aunts and even uncle who are close to your parents are the most dangerous people. They have it all planned and they work in steps.

Step 1: Information Gathering : First they try to find out all about what you do, what do you study, sports you play, what you drive, even what  undergarment brand you wear.

Step 2: Personal Interview : After they have known all about you and what you do they would here it from you. And moreover they'll make a face like they don't know shit. "Beta, what's your name? Beta, you are studying non med? Beta, do you eat food? Beta, do you breath oxygen?" FfS

Step 3: The first advise to you : You'll get their first advise really very soon, and if you are unlucky then on the first talk. You will feel its never bad to hear an elder giving advise. Oh No.. *Evil Grin*

Not engineer? Photographer?

Step 4: The Manipulation : This is the step your Aunt was waiting for, all what she did was for this step. She'll never talk to you on a random day but every day, when your mom meets/ talks with her, she will be there giving advises.
Suddenly the Aunt who had friend few friend including your mom and done BA in a language or no what so ever education, become career advisor.

It goes like this, "Beta Non Med karlo bohot scope hai"..."Beta Computer Science lena bohot scope hai"..." Beta Govt Job karna bohot scope hai"... "Beta Bhad me jao Bohot scope hai".

But as if it ever affects you. But here you getting affected is not the case. Its your parent, specially your mom.
If you got tell my mom that there is a kid of your friend, who is doing Bba and will then become software engineer, trust me she will tell me that and ask me to do it. 😳😳😳

So in short whatever you do, I advise you all to stay away from the advises.



Trolling Indian PS :)

Another Indian




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